FA GC 170 wireless extension kit for hold-open systems saves time and money
There’s no doubt about it: making wireless connections between ceiling-mounted fire detectors and manual trigger switches saves time, effort and money. Ultimately, it avoids the laborious task of laying hidden cable conduits – which is sometimes impossible anyway due to structural circumstances, as is the case with listed buildings.
Adnan Alcan knows from experience just how convenient and straightforward GEZE’s FA GC 170 wireless extension kit for hold-open systems is to install. As a Junior Project Manager at Glas Seele, a glass and metal construction specialist based in the German town of Neusäss near Augsburg, he has already fitted the wireless module to GEZE hold-open systems in numerous projects and connected it to various wireless components, such as manual trigger switches, thermal detectors and smoke detectors.
FA GC 170 wireless extension kit for hold-open systems
Mr Alcan, you already have a lot of experience installing the FA GC 170 wireless kit, don’t you?
This year, I’ve installed the wireless kit in a shopping centre in Regensburg, a retirement home in Königsbrunn and several schools. We have more projects in the pipeline. We’ll continue to use and recommend the wireless kit from GEZE in future – especially given that, to my knowledge, no other manufacturer offers comparable wireless kits.
Could you give us an example of a time when the extension for wireless components was particularly helpful?
At a retirement home in Königsbrunn, the ceilings were higher than originally planned, so additional ceiling-mounted detectors had to be installed to comply with fire safety regulations. Retrofitting the facility with wired ceiling-mounted smoke detectors would have been tricky and above all expensive, as we would have had to lay extra hidden cable conduits. In this case, we were able to install additional wireless ceiling-mounted smoke detectors very easily because the GEZE wireless module can connect to up to 6 devices.
The assembly instructions for the GEZE wireless extension kit provide a clear, step-by-step guide. © GEZE GmbH
The GEZE FA GC 170 wireless extension kit for hold-open systems can be put together by hand in just a few simple steps. © GEZE GmbH
Is the ability to connect 6 wireless devices enough for you in practice? Do you see a need for more?
In my experience, it’s always been sufficient. Even in extreme cases, I don’t think you would ever need to connect more than 6 devices – 4 ceiling-mounted detectors and 2 switches. If you ever needed more than that, then the client’s going to have bigger problems to deal with.
The FA GC 170 wireless kit also allows for mixed installation with both wireless and wired connections. Do you have experience with such installations? And, if so, what were the circumstances?
In one project, we were commissioned to install ceiling-mounted detectors for fire protection. However, the required cable conduits leading to the ceiling had been totally forgotten in the plans. The only cable conduits were for the manual trigger switches. In that instance, being able to connect the ceiling-mounted detectors wirelessly to the GEZE hold-open system was ideal. The alternative would have been laborious cutting work and laying hidden wires, which would have taken a lot of time and effort and resulted in added costs. The wireless extension allowed us to avoid these added costs. It really impressed – and relieved – our client.
Hold-open systems can be connected to additional devices, such as ceiling-mounted detectors and manual trigger switches, both using wires and wirelessly © GEZE GmbH
Pre-programming makes setting up the wireless components simple and straightforward. © GEZE GmbH
Has FA GC 170 installation always run smoothly or have you encountered any problems?
We haven’t encountered any problems so far. The standard mode is dead easy to configure if you follow the instructions. I had to take a minute to think the first time I installed a mixed system with wired and wireless components. But that’s easy to handle, too. There’s only one way to do it, so you can’t go too far wrong.
Is it complicated to connect and configure different wireless components?
No, it’s not complicated at all. The pre-programming makes it dead easy to connect and configure components: push the corresponding switch, wait until the indicator light illuminates, and you’re done. Sort of like painting by numbers.
A neat solution, dead easy to set up, and a life-saver for clients who don’t want to lay wiring or who simply don’t have the option of doing so. But who wants the hassle of cable conduits, anyway?
Adnan Alcan, Junior Project Manager at glass and metal construction specialist Glas SeeleWinner of the German Design Award: the FA GC 170 wireless extension
How would you sum up the FA GC 170 wireless extension for hold-open systems?
A neat solution, dead easy to set up, and a life-saver for clients who don’t want to lay wiring or who simply don’t have the option of doing so. But who wants the hassle of cable conduits, anyway?
The benefits of the FA GC 170 wireless extension at a glance
- Wirelessly connect ceiling-mounted detectors and manual trigger switches with all GEZE hold-open systems
- No need to spend time and effort laying cables and hiding wires – making it the perfect solution for listed buildings and a simple solution for retrofits
- Tested in accordance with DIN EN 54-25, the European standard for fire detection and alarm systems
- General construction technique permit
- Low maintenance requirements
To see just how easy it is to install and set up the FA GC 170 wireless extension kit, check out this video